21 Questions That Will Change Your Life

These 21 thought-provoking questions could change your life if you honestly and transparently look inside of yourself. The key is to be bold enough and decide to take action on what you see.
New Book Coming 2015 – “Stuck In Neutral: How to Achieve Success by Living in Drive”

In 2015 I will be releasing my 2nd published book. “Stuck In Neutral” will be nothing like any other book you’ve ever read in your life. Anyone, anywhere can achieve success and “live in drive” if they take personal responsibility for their life, put forth Level-10 effort and have undying determination and faith.
This Is What Helped Me to Stop Procrastinating…

In high school and college I was really into working out, lifting weights and exercising. Then… I got married. Lol! When I got married, my wife cooked every single night and needless to say I stopped working out. In our 5th year of marriage is when I really started gaining weight, particularly in the abdomen […]