5 Money Lessons I Learned After Losing My Graphic Design Job

Let’s dive into the reality of making money as a designer. Passion drives us, but bills demand us, especially during unexpected setbacks. Picture this: me losing my high-paying, full-time Creative Director job just 4 days after my daughter’s birth! Scary, right? Well, that happened to me. In this episode, I reveal 5 invaluable money lessons […]

10 Deadly Website Mistakes (And How to Fix Them)

Are you making these deadly mistakes on your website that are driving away your customers and clients? If you’re not sure, then this episode is for you. Today I’m pulling back the curtain to expose these deadly mistakes that are costing you money and driving away potential customers. And, I’ll also tell you how to […]

Design Career Timeline (My Story)

I break down my 14-year career journey, and how much money I earned at each design job. CHAPTERS 0:00 – How I got started 1:38 – Breakdown of each job 6:12 – Tips for working design jobs 7:04 – What you need to succeed as a designer 7:43 – Final thoughts This podcast is a […]

Make $150k/Yr With Web Design in 2024

What if I told you there’s a secret sauce to making money as a web designer and having WEALTH? …that you never have to stress over paying your bills or finding your next client. In this episode, uncover my 8 EXPLOSIVE money-making strategies for web designers that’ll lead to a long profitable career. Learn from […]

Make $125k/Year With Graphic Design

Wanna make 6 figures as a graphic designer? In this video I break down the entire framework. For free. On this show I teach you the art and business of GETTING THE BAG as a designer. There’s a lot of money out there, but you just gotta know how to position yourself to win. Watch […]

How to Start a Personal Brand in 2024 (The 4 Ps)

Building a personal brand as a graphic designer is CRUCIAL in 2024. This episode dives deep into the world of personal branding with “The 4 Ps.” Think of it as your brand’s secret recipe – Product, Process, Position, and Presentation. I’ll walk you through each step of defining your products & services, nailing down your […]

Your Website Sucks (Here’s How to Fix It)

Your website ain’t just a bunch of pixels and code–it’s the front door of your business and it’s gotta be on point! In this episode, I discuss how a bad website design will harm your personal brand, business and reputation. I also talk about if you still need a website, the importance of staying current […]

EP35 – 9 Basic Steps to Start Any Business (Part 3)

I’m the self-proclaimed “King of Startups”, and I’m going to use my 12-years of experience starting and growing multiple 6-figure companies from the ground up, to hip you to the game of business. With my straight-talk approach, I’ll teach you the 9 steps to start your business, including honing your vision, choosing the right business […]

EP36 – 9 Basic Steps to Start Any Business (Part 4)

I’m the self-proclaimed “King of Startups”, and I’m going to use my 12-years of experience starting and growing multiple 6-figure companies from the ground up, to hip you to the game of business. With my straight-talk approach, I’ll teach you the 9 steps to start your business, including honing your vision, choosing the right business […]

EP33 – 9 Basic Steps to Start a Business (Part 1)

I’m the self-proclaimed “King of Startups”, and I’m going to use my 12-years of experience starting and growing multiple 6-figure companies from the ground up, to hip you to the game of business.  With my straight-talk approach, I’ll teach you the 9 steps to start your business, including honing your vision, choosing the right business […]