EP33 – 9 Basic Steps to Start a Business (Part 1)

I’m the self-proclaimed “King of Startups”, and I’m going to use my 12-years of experience starting and growing multiple 6-figure companies from the ground up, to hip you to the game of business.  With my straight-talk approach, I’ll teach you the 9 steps to start your business, including honing your vision, choosing the right business […]

EP32 – Why You Need to Start a Business RIGHT NOW (+ new series)

4.4 million new businesses were created in the US in 2020 and half a million created in January 2021 alone. Now is the perfect time for you to get in on this small business boom and take control of your income and future! And, in today's episode I'm gonna give you the motivation that you […]

EP31 – How to Craft a Powerful Story For Your Personal Brand – Part 2

Whether you’re a coach, influencer, CEO, small business owner, e-commerce product owner, creator, or marketer, you have a story tell and an audience waiting to hear it. But, how do you tell it in a way so people actually care?  I'm gonna teach you how to clarify your personal brand message, identify the problems you […]

EP30 – How to Craft a Powerful Story For Your Personal Brand – Part 1

Whether you’re a coach, influencer, CEO, small business owner, e-commerce product owner, creator, or marketer, you have a story tell and an audience waiting to hear it. But, how do you tell it in a way so people actually care?  I'm gonna teach you how to clarify your personal brand message, identify the problems you […]

EP29 – 4 Things to Do After You Launch Your Website

Well, congratulations! You’ve launched a brand new website. But, the work isn’t done yet. In this episode I'm giving you the 4 important things you must do in order for your website to stand the test of time, have peak performance, and give you a return on your investment.

EP24 – Entrepreneurship vs Leadership – Which Is More Important

Which is more important? Being an entrepreneur or being a leader? It’s not a trick question, but it kinda is. Entrepreneurship requires a different set of skills than being a leader. Being a leader requires a different kind of mindset and approach than being an entrepreneur.  Almost anyone can call themselves an entrepreneur, but can […]