Does Your Effort Match Your Desire For Success?
A Personal Story – Change Your Mindset, Change Your Life
During the first few years of our marriage, my wife Christian and I experienced some very difficult financial hardships. I had a startup business that was drowning and we were struggling to make ends meet. We were in a very deep, dark financial hole and we couldn’t see any way out. The more we tried, the deeper we went.
There’s More In You – Push Through and Reach Your Milestone
Make Internal Adjustments to See External Results
Embracing Change Will Revolutionize Your Life
If you’re not happy and don’t have joy in life, you can change that. If you don’t like your situation, you have the power to change your situation. But, you can’t change your situation if you don’t know what the reality of the situation is. I was recently talking about some issues that plague the […]
What’s green in your life?
What’s green in your life? When you don’t take care of a pool or fish aquarium, algae grows, bacteria gets in the water and eventually it turns green, or even brown. To get rid of that algae, you must treat the water with chlorine and pool shock. Depending on how contaminated the water is, it […]
What would you do with $86,400?
Today’s motivation is about using up your deposits. I’m not sure who wrote this analogy, but I find it POWERFUL and it really gets the point across. Allow this to motivate you today! Imagine there is a bank account that credits your account each morning with $86,400. What would you do with that money? It […]
Don’t Get Stuck in Stage 2 Living
Just as the caterpillar eats and grows in stage 2, we also must learn and grow in stage 2 without getting stuck in neutral.
Do LESS More Effectively
DON’T USE LESS IS MORE AS AN EXCUSE You’ve heard the saying that “less is more”. Well that could be true but there are some requirements and prerequisites. First, let me say this, sometimes we take that saying and use it as an excuse why you’re not doing something or why you don’t want to […]
New Book Coming 2015 – “Stuck In Neutral: How to Achieve Success by Living in Drive”
In 2015 I will be releasing my 2nd published book. “Stuck In Neutral” will be nothing like any other book you’ve ever read in your life. Anyone, anywhere can achieve success and “live in drive” if they take personal responsibility for their life, put forth Level-10 effort and have undying determination and faith.