5 Mistakes to Avoid in Business and Personal Branding
Starting a business was the best professional decision I’ve ever made. But, that didn’t come without mistakes. Here are 5 things to avoid along your journey.
Build a Company Not Just a Brand
What a lot of people really don’t know and where I believe most personal brands fail the most is the BUSINESS SIDE. Personal branding is not all lights, camera, action and being in the forefront. Personal branding is 10% talent and 90% BUSINESS. Case-in-point, what’s the name of your company? Do you have an LLC? […]
9 Characteristics of “The Grind” and Success (#7-9) + Live Periscope Broadcast
Read part 1 here 7. The grind produces productivity. The grind is not about just being busy. It’s not about consuming time. The purpose of the grind is for results/productivity. If you’re not being productive, you’re not grinding; you’re just busy wasting time. It’s not enough to just be busy; you must be busy with […]
3 Reasons Why Your Business Isn’t Growing
If your business isn’t growing, it may be time to take an introspective look. Here are 3 reasons why your business may not be growing the way you want it to.
The Best Way Start a Business With No Money
Anyone can start a business with no upfront capital- all you need is the right idea and a few basic principles. This is a highly effective strategy because it relieves the pressure and stress of having to raising money to start your business.
What to Do When Your Business Isn’t Growing
Recognize and accept that it’s not growing. Determine if you want to improve the business to profitability or step away from it and close your doors. If you want to shut it all down, take the necessary precautions. If you have a partner, then you need to discuss the situation with him/her/them. You certainly don’t […]
10 Steps Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know
Did you know that home based businesses are required to hold permits to operate legally in most states? What about incorporation? There are some fundamental steps that any business needs to follow to get started. SBA has compiled 10 steps that can help you plan, prepare, and manage your business – while taking care of the start-up legalities.
Effective Business Networking
Business networking is a socioeconomic activity by which like-minded business people communicate. Business networking is making connections with others in a meaningful way, and looking for opportunities to help them, all while growing your own business or product. Here are a few tips on how to effectively network with other entrepreneurs and business owners. Let […]
Earn Extra Money
Who doesn’t need extra money these days? According to a national pole, 8 out of 10 Americans say that the economy is in poor shape. With the fluctuations on Wall Street and the unstable real-estate market, everyone is looking for extra money in today’s society. Even the other 2 out of 10 Americans that believe […]
Start a Business With No Money
Anyone can start almost any business with no money. All you need is the right idea, a few basic principles to follow and a dead-on focus that leads to success. In this business development guide, we’re going to give you some tips, advice and some guidelines that will help you start the business you’ve always […]