9 Characteristics of “The Grind” and Success (#7-9) + Live Periscope Broadcast

Read part 1 here

7. The grind produces productivity. The grind is not about just being busy. It’s not about consuming time. The purpose of the grind is for results/productivity. If you’re not being productive, you’re not grinding; you’re just busy wasting time. It’s not enough to just be busy; you must be busy with the evidence of results. Without productivity, there is no progress. Failure is also a part of the grind. In every failure there is a lesson. When you fail at something, you better draw out the lesson. When you don’t draw out the lesson you’re a failure, but when you do you’re a victor. That’s why you can be productive when you fail because you actually learned a valuable lesson that can prevent further failure.If you’re not being productive, you’re not grinding; you’re just busy wasting time.

[ctt title=”If you’re not being productive, you’re not grinding; you’re just busy wasting time.” tweet=”If you’re not being productive, you’re not grinding; you’re just busy wasting time.” coverup=”30onQ”]

8. The grind teaches discipline (most of the time the hard way). Be honest: there’s something that you need to be doing right now. Something that you know will make you a better person. Something that will change your life; change your family’s life. But you haven’t done it yet because you’re not disciplined. Until you become discipline you will never be successful.

[ctt title=”Until you become discipline you will never be successful.” tweet=”Until you become discipline, you will never be successful.” coverup=”430kq”]

9. The grind keeps you on your toes. It keeps you alert, focused and ready to respond to any situation that may come up. Always be ready in and out of season. Preparation is key because if you’re grinding correctly, some things will happen that you didn’t expect and if you’re not ready, you’ll miss the opportunity.If you STAY READY, you won’t have to get ready.

[ctt title=”If you STAY READY, you won’t have to get ready.” tweet=”If you STAY READY, you won’t have to get ready.” coverup=”WJ136″]


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