#002 – How to Start a Personal Brand in 2024 (The 4 Ps)

Building a personal brand as a graphic designer is CRUCIAL in 2024. This episode dives deep into the world of personal branding with “The 4 Ps.” Think of it as your brand’s secret recipe – Product, Process, Position, and Presentation.

I’ll walk you through each step of defining your products & services, nailing down your business processes, crafting your messaging, and presenting yourself like a pro online.

This ain’t your typical graphic design or branding 101 episode – the 4 Ps are your no-nonsense, value-packed guide to building and elevating your personal branding game as a graphic designer or web designer. Get ready to take some notes — personal branding school is in!


Episode Chapters:

0:00 – Intro

3:49 – Intro of The 4 Ps

6:03 –  Outline Your PRODUCTS & Services

8:47 – Define Your PROCESSES

10:18 – Write Messaging For POSITIONING

11:46 – PRESENT Your Brand Like a Pro

12:41 – Personal Branding Checklist

15:00 – Closing


Listen to the full episode to hear me break it all down in detail with more explanation. Learn the 4 Ps to build and elevate your personal brand in 2024, start your business, and show up like a pro online.


Mission of The Design GOAT Podcast:

Oftentimes being a designer is a thankless, misunderstood, and underappreciated job that requires a lot of self-motivation.

My mission is to inspire designers all around the world to unleash their inner Design G.O.A.T. and walk with confidence and pride.

I desire to teach designers the art and business of design while reminding them that their work matters and we’re all in this together!

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