Recently, I had a great opportunity to meet Gary Heavin, the founder of Curves. First of all, let me say that I was very geeked. He’s an extremely successful entrepreneur. He founded a fitness company whose 2013 revenue was $52 million. Needless to say, you can learn a thing or two from a guy like that; and it’s not every day that you meet a person of his calibre. Gary was a really nice, courteous man. And, when I shook his hand I knew that there was something unique about him that sets him apart from other successful entrepreneurs. That unique something is his spirituality and faith in God. That’s what I enjoyed the most about him. He even talked about how he wants to honor God in all that he does. But, Gary said something else though that really stuck with me:
“Don’t worry about the little things. Stay focused on your purpose.”
It’s interesting to me that he mentioned purpose because that’s exactly what I encourage people to pursue. There are so many things in life that fight for our attention on a daily basis. There is a lot of noise that surround us every day- noise from work, home, family, church, business, friends, problems… I could go on and on. What we really need to learn how to do is turn down the volume of that noise and turn up the volume of our purpose. When your purpose is louder than the noise, you don’t have to worry about the little things that create that noise.
If you will be transparent and honest for a minute, you often find yourself worrying so much over things that ale you. Whether it’s money, marriage, work or otherwise. If you just take a step back and look at those things from an objective viewpoint, you will see how little those things really are in comparison to what you were put on this earth to do.
When you pursue your life’s purpose, you’ll discover that success is inevitable. Now does that mean it will it be easy? Absolutely not. But, it will most definitely be worth it. So, my question to you is: what is your purpose and are you pursuing it?