At the time of this blog, I’ve been on Periscope for 1 month and I’ve quickly learned a lot of interesting things. I’ve analyzed people’s habits, broadcasts, topics, titles, broadcast times, culture and more. If you’re just getting started on Periscope or would like to maximize the platform, here are 9 tips that will help you have awesome broadcasts that people will love. If you enjoy, please share!
- Be stationary and use a small tripod (if possible). Some people do scopes where they’re moving around all over the place. That gets old very quickly because the phone is super close to their face and there’s a lot of noise.
- Use a headset. To minimize unwanted noise, use a headset like Apple earbuds with the microphone on it. This helps your voice be clear and minimized extraneous sounds.
- Engage with viewers to get hearts. Hearts are equivalent to likes on Facebook. Engage with viewers in a way that provokes them to give you hearts. Ask them to give hearts if they understand or are enjoying the broadcast.
- Have catchy titles. The title is the most important aspect of engagement because if people don’t think your title is good they won’t watch.
- Look at the camera and engage when necessary. When you’re broadcasting, look directly at the camera so that people can connect with While you’re talking, people will be posting comments and giving hearts. This can be distracting so only respond and acknowledge the comments when necessary.
- Culture of giving. On the Periscopes I’ve been on they usually find a way to give back and be others-focused. If you’re offering tips, tell them you usually charge for the info they’re getting; that makes them feel special. Just find ways to give back.
- Save your videos. Periscope is unique in that it only saves your broadcasts for 24hrs. After that they’re gone. But, Periscope has a neat feature that will automatically save your videos to your devices Photos/camera roll section. The benefit of this is to repurpose that content for later use. If it’s high quality content, then you can post it on YouTube, write a blog or just share it on Facebook or Twitter.
- Be unique. No one wants a duplicate of what’s already being doing. Most people are giving tips and advice on marketing and business. This gets pretty redundant after a while. What is your message and what makes you unique as a person? Express THAT. That is the kind of stuff that people like, want to watch and look for. People connect with people– not bullet points.
- Invite your current followers. People follow people they know and like. This means you should invite your Facebook friends to check out your scopes. Those are the ones that will give you the hearts, invite other people and always watch your broadcasts.